Thursday, April 7, 2011

A solution for Peace

How can I love some body who has ideals and goals of life so different for me.Either I can love that person or achieve my goal.I cannot have the cake and eat it too. Love for all is not a workable solution.
But compassion for all is a workable one.Karenarm strong illustrates wonderfully in a Ted talk.

''But I'd just like to quote, finish at the end with a reference to a British author, an Oxford author whom I don't quote very often, C.S. Lewis. But he wrote one thing that stuck in my mind ever since I read it when I was a schoolgirl. It's in his book The Four Loves. He said that, he distinguished between erotic love, when two people gaze, spellbound, into each other's eyes. And then he compared that to friendship. When two people stand side by side, as it were, shoulder to shoulder, with their eyes fixed on a common goal.
We don't have to fall in love with each other, but we can become friends. And I am convinced. I felt it very strongly during our little deliberations at Vevey, that when people of all different persuasions come together, working side by side for a common goal, differences melt away. And we learn amity. And we learn to live together and to get to know one another.''

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