Sunday, February 6, 2011

Homeopathy faith and science

Homeopathy is a pefect example to define faith.If you look at the scientific evidence of working of homeopathy, you cannot resist thinking it a big joke.But hold on, a loads of people including me ,my family members ,some of my relatives have seen homeopathy performing miracles.
yes after a month of exortation and steadfastness when after completing a demanding task i fell ill with typhoid(i had been a victim of defective vacination and this typhoid recurred...i had'nt been eating food from 'rehriees').There came a cousin of me practicing homeopathy and he conviced my mother to use homeopathy.Suspectingly she conceded and within a weak or 3 days to be specific  my health was restored.My uncle was suffering from diplopia and no drug was working, at that time homeopathy came to help and  performed its miracle.
This is have to cross a deep trench,you cant take risk,somebody asks you to take a step forward in space, which you just see  as thin air but you with  confidence in the truth of that person you move ahead and find something beneath your feet and you only realise later that it was a glass bridge that helped you cross.
A homepathic drug treats a disease by using a certain poison or a substance that produces similar symptoms in the body as the disease,that substance is diluted  to such a value that practically not a single pharmcologically active particle can be seen in it.Homeopaths in order to explain this give an explanation without any experimental evidence.They say that the solvent used for dilution is modified in such a way that it contains a memory of that substance.This memory  is more of spiritual kind  then as something with physical evidence.

Homeopaths try to include homeopathy in science but until they remove this element of faith,it cannot be declared as science

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