Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Psychology from the week

*''One of the things you do find cross-culturally is that children are particularly affected by and easily influenced by the threat of punishment from supernatural agents. This is a behavior regulation device, a control mechanism to prevent children from doing things we don't want them to do when they think we're not watching.
It's an additional mechanism on top of self-control that would prevent them from doing things that would ultimately cause them problems or their parents problems........''

**You might have thought it before doing a thing you considered wrong;'' well after all who can understand better than God''.The writer is explaining some helpful evolutionary inconsistencies in committing a sin 

''When people are basically convinced that God is on their side and God understands why they're doing what they're doing, there are lots of loopholes psychologically that also work alongside reproductive interests.''

***I  found these lines from a book of psychology
''Children tend to go to their mothers for emotional comfort and to their fathers for playing''
MY inference:
This fact how some how define roles of parents.A father helps increase the creativity and IQ of the child while EQ of the child is determined by the mother.The stronger the bond is with the mother ,more stable is child emotionally. 

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